Headless Ecommerce

I believe in having your own corner of the web – a blog or whatever that is yours. And if you are running e-commerce, I believe in having control of the application that is running it, such as WooCommerce. I know there are arguments for SAAS (software as a service) and if I was starting with a new venture I might just test it out with one of those offerings.

Either way, there is still a lot to say that cuts across both self-hosted and SAAS.

I just watched a WordPress TV episode from Tracey Wallace from BigCommerce speak on five e-commerce trends to implement now – and she talks about headless e-commerce. That is something I have looked at before: It’s a site that front ends a SAAS e-commerce back end from something like BigCommerce or Shopify. The point she makes is that freeing up the front end from the e-commerce application gives site owners more leeway to design the user experience.

She shows off some great sites – like Jeni’s ice cream and others, that are super eye-catching.