Kadence Blocks Gutenberg Plugin

The same speaker at the meet-up who recommended the Calendar plugin, also recommended Kadence Blocks, a Gutenberg plugin. Last December, in the post I wrote about WooCommerce themes I had tried, I mentioned a theme by Kadence.

I was impressed last night with all the things that the Kadence Blocks can do. After the meet-up I went to the Kadence website.

I see that in addition to the free standard Kadence Blocks they market an Advanced WooCommerce plugin that does more.

The features that interest me are variation swatches, custom cart messages that target specific carts, and a category description area below the category images. That last feature saves having to use Advanced Custom Fields to accomplish that job. The question in my mind is whether this plugin plays nicely with the Yoast SEO plugin and recognise one another.