Twenty Nineteen Theme Full Width Content

The default setting for the text for the Twenty Nineteen theme stretches only partway across the page, and yet the theme does not allow for sidebar widgets.

The result is a theme with text that takes up part of the page, with half the page empty all the way down it.

I wasn’t interested in trying to find a way to introduce a sidebar with widgets. I wanted the text to take up the full width, and this is the CSS I am using to accomplish that.

/* to make page content full width */ .entry .entry-content > *, .entry .entry-summary > * {
        max-width: none;

/* to make posts content full width */
.entry .entry-content p
        max-width: none;

/* to make shop content full width */
.woocommerce .content-area .site-main
        max-width: none;

Here’s the raw code: 2019-full-width-text