Jetpack and Yoast Plugin Conflict?

I wondered today whether I had a Jetpack and Yoast plugin conflict.

The site I am talking about is running WP 5.3.2 and I noticed today when writing a post that Gutenberg was not creating a text block automatically when I did a carriage return. I had to put the cursor on a new line to trigger Gutenberg.

Then I noticed that the Yoast SEO (Version 12.8.1) fields were not opening. I thought there may be a plugin conflict, and my first thought was in might be Jetpack. Sure enough, when I disabled Jetpack (Version 8.1) that solved the Yoast issue. I have been running Jetpack (and Yoast) for a long time, and this issue was new to me.

That said, I had to reinstall Yoast SEO because I was getting a warning that Yoast would not work with earlier WP versions – as though it did not recognise that I was on the most up-to-date version of WP.

I reinstalled WP just in case.

After reinstalling Yoast it now recognised that it was working with the most up-to-date version of WP, so that was one problem solved.

CSS and Javascript minify settings

I cleared caches (Litespeed cache) and reset the CSS and Javascript minify settings and cleared caches and optimised again.

Despite doing that I still got the problem that Yoast fields wouldn’t show unless the Jetpack plugin was disabled.

I looked in the Jetpack plugin Support forum to see whether there were reports of a Jetpack and Yoast plugin conflict. There was nothing there so I searched some other forum posts that I googled.

Reinstalling Jetpack and Yoast Plugins

There was a discussion about an issue that related to Jetpack (nothing to do with the Yoast plugin), and someone mentioned reinstalling Jetpack.

I had already reinstalled the Yoast plugin and I thought that reinstalling the Jetpack plugin shouldn’t affect anything. But I did it anyway and bingo!, I could see the Yoast fields were displaying properly.

So what is the moral of this tale? Was it the minify options I had set in Litespeed? Was it a corrupted or partial plugin update at some point?

I guess I will never know, but I saved myself chasing the problem endlessly by reinstalling the plugins.