If it’s not clear from the name, the plugin is aimed at developers doing work for clients and managing client dashboards to prevent clients messing up the work you have done. This is a plugin From WP Codeus, who are located in Madison, WI, USA. Apart from their own client work they make three plugins, one of which is Ultimate Client Dash.
There is a free version in the WordPress repository, and a Pro version on their plugin-specific site at Ultimate Client Dash.
From the blurbs, with the free version you can do the following in client dashboards:
- Manage & hide default WordPress widgets, and even create your own.
- Easily create a beautiful landing page while you work on your clients website.
- Add code snippets and easily manage all aspects of Analytics & Pixel Tracking on your website.
- Create custom notices and messages for your clients or users when they login.
In the Pro version you can also do this in client dashboards:
- Give your clients access to only things they need. No more accidentally broken sites.
- Remove dashboard menu items from all roles or the role client.
- Fly your brands colours in the dashboard. Modernise the client dashboard with our custom theme.
- Hide WordPress notification nags & alerts from your clients.
I’m going to have to give this a try because one of the essential things this plugin needs to be able to do is to hide itself. Watch this space.